Protecting Open Space in Morris since 2006
Board of Directors Officers
Ben Solnit
Vice President
Adam Wheeler
Dr. Daniel Doyle
Lukas Hyder
Edward R. Dorsett
Cindy Ferrara
Lukas Hyder
Diane C. Lauretano
Pucci McGill
Will O’Meara
Mary Skilton
Nancy Skilton
Guy Weik
Tom Weik
Kathleen Woods
Sharon Zguzenski
Directors Emeritus
Audrey Heimler
Karen Paradis
Our Partners

The Morris Land Trust is a charitable, nonprofit organization operating under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations of land, conservation easements, or financial gifts are tax deductible under Internal Revenue Code section 170. We depend on the support of our many loyal members. For more information please contact us.